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Adding Documents in TorkeHub CRM:

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TorkeHub Team

Updated over a 9 months ago

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your interest in exploring the functionality of the Document feature within sales management. This guide aims to provide a detailed overview of how to effectively leverage this feature to enhance your operations.

To add a document

first go to the CRM module and navigate to the Document section. You will need to add a few things first: a Folder and a Document Type.

Step 1: Add a Folder

  1. Under the Document section, click on the Folder option.
  2. Click the Create button and fill in the necessary fields such as the folder name and origination contact (this is the contact added in an earlier guide). You can also provide a reason for the folder, though this is optional.

Step 2: Add a Document Type

  1. Navigate to the Type section and add the Type. This can be anything like Contracts, Proposals, Agreements, or any other category you prefer.

Step 3: Add the Document

  1. Go to the Document section and click on the Create button.
  2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name: The name of your document.
    • Account: The account for which you are adding the document.
    • Folder: Select the folder you just added.
    • Type: Select the type you just added.
    • Opportunities: Select any opportunities related to this document.
    • Status: Choose the status from the default options: Active, Draft, Expired, or Canceled.
    • Publish Date and Expiration Date: Set the dates for the document.
    • File: Attach any necessary files.
    • Assign User: Assign the document to a user.

Once all fields are filled, click Save. Your document is now successfully added.

We trust that this guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of how to add documents to your system. Should you require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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